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278 Views · 2 years ago

⁣يقول ألان مارش منسق الإنتاج في ديزني إن فريقه ملتزم "باستكشاف قصص المثليين"، ولقد أنشأ "متعقب" لضمان خلق ما يكفي من "الشخصيات الشاذة جنسياً"، و"الشخصيات الكنسية المتحولة"، و"الشخصيات ثنائية الجنس الكنسية".
لقد حظيت بشرف العمل مع فريق "فتاة القمر" (Moon Girl) طيلة العامين الماضيين. لقد كانوا منفتحين بالفعل لاستكشاف قصص المثليين. وأنا على جانب الإنتاج، وجزء من العمل الذي أشعر وكأنني قادر على القيام به لضمان - المشاركة في حياة نيويورك المعاصرة، وبالتالي التأكد من أن الأعمال تعكس الحياة في نيويورك بشكل دقيق. لذلك، قمت بوضع متعقب للشخصيات التي لديها نفس خلفيتنا لضمان أن لدينا مساحة كاملة للتعبير. لقد أجرينا محادثة مماثلة جدا، كاري. "كل الشخصيات الشاذة جنسياً موجودة في الخلفية. لذلك، لا يقتصر الأمر على لعبة الأرقام: كم عدد الشخصيات المثلية التي لدينا. وكلما كانت القصة أكثر تمركزا حول شخصية معينة، حصلت على قدر أعظم من التفاصيل الدقيقة لقصتهم. خاصة مع الشخصيات المتحولة جنسياً. لا يمكنك أن ترى ما إذا كان شخص ما متحول جنسياً. لا توجد طريقة واحدة للنظر إلى المتحول جنسياً. لذلك، فإن الوسيلة الوحيدة التي قد تسمح لهذه الشخصيات الكنسية المتحولة جنسياً، أو الشخصيات ثنائية الجنس، هي أن نقدم لهم قصصا حيث يمكنهم أن يعبروا عن ذواتهم بالكامل".

5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Disney’s activism partner Nadine Smith of Equality Florida tells LGBTQ employees that
@GovRonDeSantis and @ChristinaPushaw want to “erase you, “criminalize your existence,” and “take your kids”—a wild conspiracy theory that Republicans want to kidnap gay people’s children.
TRANSCRIPT: You can look at the comments, you can look at the coverage, but the context is also who is pushing it, what their record is, and what the history is in Florida. You can go back to the 50’s and the Johns committee where the legislature put together a task force whose whole job was to root civil rights workers and any homosexuals out of the universities. And destroyed lives – literally people committed suicide behind the relentless attacked. And then you have Anita Bryant and the Save our Children campaign, which is premised on the are the same ideas that undergird this bill. And because of her campaign that equated being gay with being a child predator, she was able to ban gay people from being able to adopt, marriage ban, and she took that nationwide. And when we react to this, we’re reacting from the pain we experienced of being isolated and stigmatized in school. But we’re also reacting from the reality that when they can erase you and criminalize your existence and demonize who you are, the next step is to criminalize you and take your kids. We’re already seeing that in Texas. The slippery slope between these ugly messages emanating from legislative leaders in our state and amplified by our governor, whose spokesperson immediately began calling everyone who opposed this bill “Groomers” aka pedophiles…

4 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.
I love Disney’s content. I grew up watching all of the classics. They have been a huge, informative part of my life. But the same time, I had worked at small studios for most of my career and I had heard whispers that “They won’t let you show this a Disney show.” And I’m like “Okay.” So, I was little sus [SIC: suspicious] when I started. But then my experience was bafflingly the opposite of what I had heard on my little pocket of Proud Family Disney TVA. The showrunners were super welcome. Meredith Roberts and the leadership over there have been so welcoming to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda. So I felt like maybe it was that in the past, but I guess something has happened, cause they have turned it around and are going hard. And all of that momentum and that sense that I don’t have to be afraid to have these two different characters kiss in the background. I was basically adding queerness. If you see anything queer in the show… no one would stop me, and no one was trying to stop me.

4 Views · 2 years ago

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